The Yan Family Business

Fell Walks Near Grasmere

Surrounded by some of the best walking country in the Lakes, we’re perfectly placed for boots-on, car-left-behind, straight-out-the-door adventures. Whether you’re after a gentle wander or a full-blown stomp, there’s a walk for you—fresh air, big views, and that smug post-hike feeling included.

Fun fact: Broadrayne Farm sits at 110m above sea level, which means you’re already partway up… technically.

To make life easier, every one of our accommodations comes with an OS map (with The Yan right at the centre), a waterproof case, a compass, and our very own custom route maps, packed with our favourite routes straight from the farm.

Here are a few of our top picks to get you started...

Helm Crag

...Otherwise known as Lion & Lamb, 405m above sea level.

Our flagship fell creates the dramatic back drop for most of our photos featuring The Yan.

Head down to the bottom of our drive, to the main road, turn left and immediately right. Stay on this country lane until you pass houses on the left. Turn left, up a tarmac private road, over a cattle grid and passed another 2 hours on your right. Through the field gate and go straight ahead., towards a stream (if you go right you will end u on Steel Fell!). Keep the stream on your left until your see a bridge. Cross this bridge and look up! This is where you are going. Just follow the path up, it Zig Zags in places. At the top turn left to go up to the summit of Helm Crag (turn right if you want to go around to Calf Crag and Grasmere Common). Once at the summit you can descend by going the opposite way you came up. Just follow the well trodden path down to the village.

Walking Map, Helm Crag, Grasmere
Walking Map, Grisdale Tarn, Grasmere

Grizedale Tarn

538m above sea level.

Down our drive, turn left and then left again (signpost for Patterdale). This is part of the main Coast to Coast (C2C) route from St Bees in the West to Robin Hood's Bay in the East. Follow this path up, you will reach 2 wooden footbridges and at this point the path splits. They both end up at the same place, but we normally go up the right hand side and down the left. Going up the right you will pass a waterfall, about 50m after this you will see a pile of stones on the left and a footpath, this is your route down if you are doing a circuit. If you continue up you will feel like you're there... you're not keep going over second ridge and you will see the tarn in front of you. To the right is Fairfield (873m), opposite is Dollywaggon Pike (878m) and to your left is Seat Sandal (736m). You can go up Dollywaggon Pike to continue to Helvellyn (950m). We normally go left and up Seat Sandal. It's a bit loose underfoot but fine if you're happy to scrabble a bit. You will get some great views at the top and you can then follow the ridge to come down off the other side and down to the C2C path.

Easdale Tarn

290m above sea level.

Go down to the bottom of the drive, turn left and immediately right down Mill Bridge Lane. Note the stone cottage on your left which was once a Fulling mill for treating the woollen cloth made locally. Go down to the bridge and over, turning sharp left. Keep on this road passing 'Under Helm Farm' and 'Thorney How', until you get to a 'T' junction. At the point you, turn right to join the walks up to Easedale Tarn, follow the road past a number of buildings. You will also pass the entrance to a footpath on you left signposted for Langdale. You will eventually come to a small turning on the left that leads directly onto a footbridge, signposted for Easedale Tarn. Take this turning and go over the bridge.

Follow the clear path that leads you through the wooded area, this is another, smaller stone brudge to cros, follow the path that is straight ahead, and this leads you to a gate. Go through the gate into open farmland, with a large clear track for you to follow.
Remain on the stone track for a little while, pass a gate on your left that leads onto another footpath and remain on the stone track. The path leads into a more open area with a gate at the end. Go through the gate and over a flat stone bridge. At the end of this bridge, the path forks. Take the left hand fork, signposted for a public bridleway.

From this point, the path is very easy to follow, as it winds up the side of Sourmilk Gill. You will see the waterfall from a distance at first, and eventually the path joins ts base, and winds up the side. At various points you can leave the path to get close to the water, either for paddling, or for swimming.

The path leads over the ridge, and the tarn is now in view. It winds down to the edge of the tarn, with plenty of spots here for a picnic. Again, this is a popular spot for outdoor swimmers, and you should be aware that the tarn is quite deep, and the bottom drops away quickly. For an even longer walk, it is possible to walk the circumference of the tarn.

Once you have finished at the tarn, you can return via the route you ascended, which will make the walk about five miles in total.
Due to doing this walk in some interesting weather, we have used a Wainwright walking image for a real view.

Walking Map, Easdale Tarn, Grasmere
Walking Map, Alcock Tarn, Grasmere

Alcock Tarn.

365m above sea level.

Head down our drive and turn left, keep walking as if you are heading towards the village, passing the Travellers Rest take the 2nd left turning, following the road round passed a farm and Dora's cottage on your left. You will see a sign post on the left for Alcock Tarn, we recommend ignoring that for a more circular route. Follow the road to the T junction at the end and head left walking past all the lovely large houses until you see The Forest Side hotel, head left through their wrought iron gate (make sure to close it behind you) onto a permitted route and walk straight through their car park keeping the cottages on your left and the hotel on your right. You will see their vegetable garden in front of you, walk towards the gardens and the path leads to the left through a large wooden gate. Head through the gate and follow the path to your right through the woods.

Stay on the path for a fair while until you come to a dry stone wall with a gate in, don't go through the gate but instead walk down the left of the wall and cross over the style. Keep walking anf the path the meets another track on the corner. Head left up the track (right leads down to Dove Cottage), this windy path traverses up the fell side. You will come to an iron gate with the national trust logo on and "Alcock Tarn", head through the gate and follow the path all the way to the tarn.

Once you are ready to leave the tarn you can head left down the other side of the fell, keep the tarn on your right and you will hit another gate, head through there and follow the track descending down. This path eventually leads to the signpost you ignored earlier!

What is a tarn?

A tarn, high on the mountains and hills, is a body of water that has been left over from the ice age. It is a lake, just a small mountain glacial lake, with no tributaries. The word come from Old Norse, Tjörn which meant 'pool'.

Our favourite dog friendly wanders...

Our resident pooches love a good adventure, with their top pick being the ghyll just minutes from the farm! With dogs allowed off the lead on the Coast to Coast path, it’s the perfect spot for them to burn off some energy and take a refreshing dip.
